Are you a real beer fan? Does your dinner feel incomplete without a pint of beer? If yes, I am sure you also love to learn more about beer. Andy Hayes, a traveller, photographer and travel writer brings to you the most exciting news. Andy Hayes, from Oregon State in the U.S, loves to share his adventure stories from around the world, and this time he would share with us all about the famous beer festivals.

Portland, the largest city in Oregon, is very famous for its breweries and microbreweries. This city loves to celebrate beer festivals throughout the year. If a hard core beer lover visits Portland, I doubt he would want to come back. There are so many festivals and events that you would be spoilt for choice. Andy Hayes suggests some festivals you might want to visit if you are planning to go to Portland in June of the current year. Read ahead to know more:

  1. Portland Beer Week in June

This 11-day Portland Beer Week (yes, 11 day week- this shows the love for beer the people of this city have) is a collection of events and festivals that are going to happen all over the city. The crazy celebration would happen from 11th-21st June, 2015 and you must not miss this at any cost.

  1. Portland Beer and Cheese Fest

The name itself sounds so exciting if you are a cheese lover like me. The epic combination of chilled beer and cheese couldn’t be better. The variety of beers you would get there is going to make it hard for you to come back.

  1. Portland International Beer Festival

Having more than 150 brews from at least 15 countries at one place is going to leave you wide-eyed. Without giving any further details, I would leave the rest to your imagination.

Whenever Andy Hayes from Oregon State Treasury visits a beer festival, he makes sure he tastes every variety available. He would give more suggestions for the month of July very soon. Do wait for that!